Nicole Melnicky- Vancouver, BC


Nicole Melnicky is an artist and fashion designer based out of Toronto, ON. She is a current Master of Fine Art student at OCAD University with a focus in Interdisciplinary Art, Media and Design. She received her Bachelor of Fine Art from Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with a concentration in Fine Art, along with minors in Textile Design, and Art History. She completed internships with fashion designer Tanya Taylor and Alice & Olivia by Stacey Bendet in New York. She was hosted as an artist-in-residence at Vermont Studio Center, and is an upcoming resident artist at Toronto Biennial of Art and Otis College of Art and Design.

Through her research and fashion-based practice, Nicole explores the mixed-methodologies of queer post-feminism, queer time and place, relocations, queer utopia, kitsch, camp, and pride. Nicole's designs are feminine, playful and colorful. She designs for queer womenswear customer that is daring, empowered, and inspired. 

See more of her work here.