Lucia Volker - Portland, Oregon

Lucia was born in Padova, Italy, grew up in Salt Lake City, UT, and lives and works in rainy Portland, OR. She received her BFA in Printmaking from the University of Utah in 2012, and is currently a member at Flight 64 Studios in Portland, OR. Her most recent accomplishment was a 3 week Assets for Artists studio residency at MASS MoCA in North Adams, MA in April 2017. She has exhibited at Moore Art Projects in Portland, OR, Rio Gallery in Salt Lake City, UT, and IMPACT 9 Conference in Hangzhou, China. She has work in the permanent collections of Purdue University Galleries in West Lafayette, IN, and Zuckerman Museum of Art in Kennesaw, GA. She lives a life full of adventure and art making.

See more of her work here

While at The Ou Gallery, she will be presenting a 3D temporary installation: "I want to combine drawings and found objects from the area, to make a complex structure/mass in the middle of the gallery. I've been taping, pinning, and using binder clips lately, and I'd like to use these materials to represent an aspect of instability. There is so much change in the world, mainly negative in the US, right now. I keep thinking about how these changes are not secure. Most of the change in legislation will have to be redone, and I am thinking about these themes in terms of my material and compositional choices. I think it sounds really interesting to do a piece like this in Canada, and have the physical distance of geography to gain a different perspective."